
  • stop sign is a street sign


  • car wash 洗车店
  • windshield 挡风玻璃
  • brake 刹车
  • lap 大腿


  • sweep the floor
  • tank 油箱
  • trunk 后备箱
  • sidewalk 步行道
  • fill up the tank


  • unemployed


  • the  benefits of the job
  • put effort into sth  努力做


  • put up with 忍受 xxx


  • apologize
  • faint 晕倒
  • I’m thinking of staying in Japan for an extra day


  • mess up 搞砸了
  • do something on purpose


  • antique 古董
  • basement 地下室


  • a good point  means a good idea


  • resort 度假村
  • souvenir 纪念品
  • vegetarian 素食的 vegetarian dishes
  • but me means except me
  • make a great progress on sth


  • goodness 女神
  • atheist 无神论者


  • say a prayer 祷告
  • jewish 犹太人
  • religion 宗教
  • buddhist 佛教徒
  • priest 神父


  • put them away 放到他们该在的位置
  • it’s my fault
  • take back an item 退货
  • run out of sth 没货了
  • put up  with 忍受


  • workbook 练习册
  • buy one get one free


  • bag 有行李的意思 flight 航班

  • board game 桌游 video game 电子游戏

  • take the elevator 坐电梯,用 take

  • restroom 洗手间

  • hall 走廊,大厅 there is a restroom at the end of the hall

  • backpack 背包

  • pack 打包。Mom always pack too many clothes

    • package 包裹
  • how far 问离多远的.how far is the hotel from the airport

  • take a tour of some place 参观

  • spend time with/ spend the day with the / spend some time doing sth

  • have fun doing 做啥事很开心

  • 02/26

  • 在未来的某个时间点正在做什么也可以用现在进行时。 I am doing my homework tomorrow evening ticket office 售票局

  • 02/27

  • get lost in 除了有迷路的意思,还有被…迷住的引申意。 如 I get lost in her beautiful eyes

  • back 还有背的意思。 backpack

  • get some rest 休息一下

  • go to the doctor 看医生

  • call a doctor 叫医生

  • fall down 摔倒

  • dentist 牙医

  • toothache 牙痛。She have a toothache

  • broke leg 摔断腿; broke teeth

  • make an appointment 预约。make an appointment for some time/ for sb

  • available 有空

  • 02/28

  • good for my body 对我的身体好

  • have a cold 感冒了

  • pick up something 捡起…

  • carry bags 拿着行李

  • 02/29

  • tourist 旅行者

  • take a tour of , on a tour of

  • 03/01

  • have fun doing

  • dessert 甜点

  • start doing

  • fall down 摔倒

  • on vacation 在度假

  • 03/02

  • vegetables are good for the body. 注意 body 前有 the

  • 03/03

  • on a trial 在一条小道上

  • ask for help 寻求方式

  • could I speak to sb 我能和谁打电话吗

  • by some time 在某个时间之前 I need to complete the work by Monday

  • work from home 在家办公

  • start a new business 开始一项新业务

  • unfortunately 不幸的是

  • 03/04

  • regular meeting 例会

  • rock climbing 攀岩

  • have a competition 比赛

  • ask sb for help 寻求帮助

  • isn’t working 不工作了

  • 03/05

  • daily meeting 每日例会

  • meet to do sth 见面做某事

  • visit sb 看望某人

  • 03/06

  • red envelope 红包

  • Chinese new year 春节

  • such a good boy

  • take a video of sth

  • gray hair 白头发

  • Everyone gets old.

  • let’s hurry. hurry 后面没有 up

  • 03/07

  • camp 野营的动词

  • he was back from the business trip. 他出差回来了

  • hiking 徒步旅行

  • on new year’s day 在元旦

  • 03/08

  • christmas eve 平安夜

  • wear read 穿红色

  • have some snacks

  • build a snowman 堆雪人

  • make dumplings 包饺子

  • spend the whole day doing 注意有 the

  • be planning to do 跟一个未来的时间。 表示在未来的某个时间计划

  • shopping for sth

  • have a party 办聚会

  • 03/09

  • hurt 的过去式还是 hurt

  • on a business trip 在出差

  • pool 游泳池

  • shampoo 洗发水

  • towel 毛巾

  • garage 车库

  • for sale 在出售

  • sink 水槽

  • at the front of sth. 在 sth 内部的前面。

  • couch 沙发

  • singer room 单人房

  • 03/10

  • trouble 用中文谐音为出包

  • dresser 柜子,衣柜

  • shelf 架子

  • wooden 木质的

  • paint sth pink 把… 涂成…颜色

  • make some changes to sth

  • play upstairs 在楼上玩,upstairs 有 s

  • go upstairs 上楼。有s。

  • a good size 大小合适

  • bathroom 除了浴室还有洗手间的意思

  • 03/11

  • living room walls. room 后面不带所有格

  • textbook 课本

  • wash the dishes 洗碗

  • get some sleep 睡一会

  • sleep enough 睡够了

  • be upset 不开心

  • mad 生气 和 angry 同义词。be mad at sb

  • makeup 化妆品

  • wear makeup 化妆

  • get some fresh air

  • go for a walk

  • 03/12

  • jump on me 跳到我身上

  • heavy rain 大雨

  • storm: rain hard

  • talk a lot 说太多话

  • usually 平时

  • how do you feel

  • call sb 给…打电话

  • 03/13

  • wear makeup 化妆

  • what happened to / what’s wrong with

  • sleep for too long

  • storm 暴风雨是可数的。 my cat is afraid of storms

  • put a check 打勾

  • do well on the test

  • put your hands up 举手

  • in class 在上课

  • what does sth mean

  • cafeteria: a place for eating 食堂

  • do sth in pairs 两人结对做

  • in group of three

  • is taken 被占用的

  • sth be clear to sb

  • take notes 做笔记

  • have a busy day 忙了一天

  • 03/14

  • ticket office 售票处

  • be far from

  • blond hair 金发

  • sit for too long. 坐太久 注意有 for

  • my back hurts. my back 是单数,所以用 hurts

  • timid 害羞的

  • slack 宽松的,也有

  • a balm for your soul 抚慰你的心灵

  • how you been 你过得怎么样

  • come to work 来上班

  • 03/15

  • stay at work late

  • resume 简历,摘要。注意英文发音

  • what is it about

  • take a seat 坐吧

  • this seat is taken

  • dining hall 食堂。和 cafeteria 同义

  • 03/16

  • sit in the

  • put a check next to the correct answer


  • last name 姓氏
  • is crowded
  • take a seat
  • did they get back
  • garlic 蒜
  • have nothing to do  没什么要做
  • ten thousand 一万
  • a simple life
  • take the day off 请假
  • national park 国家公园
  • volleyball 排球
  • there is too much sun 太阳太大
  • raincoat 雨衣
  • travel around the world
  • fly a kite 放风筝
  • stop at some place 去了一趟某地
  • at that time
  • if you drink don’t drive. 这里 drink 是喝酒的意思
  • gas station 加油站
  • drive on the wrong side of the road 逆行


  • love him so much


  • umbrella
  • sit on the sofa less and go to the gym more
  • yesterday at 6 a.m
  • don’t do sth at  all  一点也不
  • at that time 在那个时候
  • bar 也有吧台的意思
  • get food 也是买东西的意思
  • dependent on drags, dependent variable


  • tent 帐篷
  • take out my phone
  • a beginner level English class


  • get a taxi 打车
  • how can I get there
  • change planes 转机
  • euro 欧元。 可数
  • change euros for RMB 把欧元换成人民币
  • double room 双人间
  • double bed 双人床
  • for how many nights 住几晚
  • have room available
  • I don’t mind 我不介意
  • a long flight 漫长的航班。long 也有时间漫长的意思


  • close the curtain(窗帘)
  • how can I get there
  • beard 胡子 have a long beard
  • a long ago
  • woods 树林
  • castle
  • somewhere else: some place is not here
  • bracelet 手链
  • stay away from: not go to
  • except for someone:  not include someone
  • in the end
  • spill  弄撒
  • libra 天秤座
  • take from the rich people and give to poor people
  • this is the letter that the king wrote
  • horror movie 恐怖电影
  • get some sleep
  • millions of animal
  • swimsuit 泳衣
  • get something for free
  • he looks nice in  that  suit
  • the suit look good on him
  • on sale: the price is cheaper than regular
  • try on  试穿 try the  sweater on
  • wrong size 尺码不对
  • a hundred and ten
  • the total cost of sth
  • be sold 卖掉了
  • wait in line 排队


  • pay  过去式 paid
  • purse  手提包
  • are you all right 你没事吧
  • a set of 串
  • toe  脚趾
  • cut  into pieces
  • stove 炉子
  • talk/be on the phone 在通话
  • break up with sb 分手
  • I am watching a movie tomorrow 现在进行时也可以用在将来


  • have enough time
  • in  the kitchen  不是 at
  • while 要放后面
  • fast food restaurants
  • lunch break 午休。 I have a short lunch break
  • winter/summer break 寒暑假
  • dim sum 点心
  • ice water 冰水
  • burge 汉堡
  • vegetable dishes 素菜
  • fries 薯条
  • like … the most 最喜欢
  • mature 成年人的
  • spring flower are in bloom
  • kids’ meals 儿童套餐
  • I’m good 不用了。 在用餐的时候这么回
  • egg fried rice
  • the meals come with sth 附带
  • posta 意大利面
  • drinks 饮料
  • big game  大赛
  • stadium 体育场


  • kick the ball into the goal 把球踢进球门
  • catch the ball
  • throw the ball
  • Great kick. That was a great kick
  • hockey  曲棍球。很像 hotkey
  • how did … go 某事进行的怎么样
  • play the game in the rain
  • want to get better at 在…做得更好
  • at the front of 在…的正面
  • my car has a flat  tile 爆胎
  • in the sun 太阳下


  • electric stove 电炉
  • pan 平底锅
  • some slices of pork
  • oven 烤箱
  • set the table 布置餐桌
  • sushi 寿司
  • udon 乌冬面
  • mapo tofu 麻婆豆腐
  • kung pao chicken 宫爆鸡丁
  • chef 主厨
  • my favorite dish
  • towel 毛巾
  • limo 豪华轿车
  • ootd: outfits of today  的缩写。今日穿搭
  • pack up  luggage 取行李
  • NYU 纽约大学
  • pick you up 接你


  • the last apartment
  • show sb around
  • look around
  • live/be across 住在…对面
  • on twenty-five street
  • have a great time 玩的很尽兴
  • Chinatown 中国城
  • various: many kinds of
  • what do you like about 你喜欢…的什么
  • cycling 骑自行车. go cycling, enjoy cycling
  • the play was great. play 也有戏剧的意思
  • apartment one zero six
  • fall a lot 摔了很多跤
  • get sick
  • see a play 看戏剧


  • fill out  the form
  • get along with 相处的好
  • receptionist 接待员
  • secretary 秘书
  • will be with you in a minute 马上就来
  • is it ok to do
  • good luck with sth 祝 … 顺利


  • of course not
  • fill out the form
  • at your last job
  • ID 身份证
  • the room have an ocean view 海景
  • parking lot 停车场


  • font desk 前台
  • heat 暖气
  • water is off 停水了. the water is off in my room
  • give me a ride 载我一程
  • go sightseeing 观光
  • give wake-up call 叫醒电话
  • awful 狠糟糕
  • a few extra day
  • sink 水槽


  • that’s fine 没事
  • what’s the matter/ what’s wrong  怎么了, 什么事
  • every kids’ meal comes with a toy
  • garage 车库
  • suitcase 行李箱
  • aweful 和 awesome 和相似,但意思相反
  • take the gaokao 参加高考
  • SAT 美国的高考。去美国申请学校和奖学金会看 SAT 的分数
  • pass the exam/ fail the exam
  • get A on english exam
  • get good grades 获得好成绩
  • report card 成绩单 he got an A on his report card yesterday
  • semester 学期
  • diploma 毕业证
  • principal 校长
  • a graduate 一个毕业生


  • perfer to do
  • stay here by myself
  • be careful of wild animals
  • variety of animals


  • baby bear 熊宝宝
  • the birds make beautiful sounds
  • foggy 有雾的。so  foggy
  • my date 我的约会对象
  • during the winter


  • a  variety of
  • if temperatures are low, it will snow. temperature 是复数
  • put on makeup 化妆


  • pajamas 睡衣
  • keep sb busy 忙个不停
  • in the early morning
  • send you an invitation
  • my laptop is dead 指没电了
  • see/hear you very  well
  • work from home
  • home office
  • make sure the internet is working
  • in a moment: soon
  • a meeting invitation 会议邀约


  • Easter day 复活节
  • bunny 小兔子,可爱女郎
  • my internet isn’t slow. internet not network
  • flea market 跳蚤市场
  • cap 鸭舌帽
  • wool 羊毛的
  • want this badly 非常想要
  • the chair comes in black and white. come in
  • 是有的意思
  • leather pants 皮裤
  • Deal 成交。That’s a good deal 很划算
  • give me a discount 给我打个折
  • there is a discount on sth
  • buy one get one free 买一送一
  • mug 马克杯
  • sneaker 运动鞋
  • guess what 猜怎么着
  • half-price 半价的


  • wait in line 
  • a poster for sth 某某的海报
  • jewelry
  • furniture 家具 不可数
  • granny  奶奶
  • mashed potatoes 土豆泥
  • grilled meat 烤肉
  • roast duck 烤鸭
  • trick or treat
  • be out of the country 出国
  • postcard 明信片
  • ham 火腿


  • text message 短信
  • ex-girlfriend
  • photograph 摄影师
  • meet 有认识的意思。 where did you meet
  • sb and sb are close. 关系好. he is my close friend
  • keep in touch
  • parking lot 停车场
  • birthday card 生日卡片
  • Chicago 芝加哥
  • since  than i have  从那以后 加现在完成时
  • the capital of 首都


  • sausage 香肠
  • pasta 意大利面
  • travel all over some place 游遍
  • take the bus anywhere in the city 坐火车到城市的如何地方
  • be  crazy about 痴迷于
  • a huge fan of cartoons 卡通迷
  • pilot 飞行员


  • Eiffel tower 埃菲尔铁塔
  • do you have this ring in a smaller size
  • a huge soccer fan
  • one-way ticket/ round-trip tickets
  • on time 准时
  • pass 有票的意思。 weekly pass 周票
  • ticket machine  售票机


  • um 呃
  • final stop 最后一站
  • platform 有站台的意思
  • there’s a delay for the red line 红线(地铁)延迟了
  • alcohol 酒


  • passport control 检查护照的地方
  • shuttle 班车
  • reserve a room 订房间 order a room
  • laundry room 洗衣房
  • let sb do sth 允许
  • fare 交通工具的票价 bus fare
  • patio 露天庭院 sit on the patio
  • you are homesick : miss your home
  • continent 大陆,洲
  • visa 签证


  • suppose 猜,估计
  • put on a movie 放电影
  • have a jacket on 穿着皮夹克


  • responsible person
  • perfume 香水
  • ininsect 昆虫,虫子。 I am afraid of insects
  • dorm 宿舍
  • a table for four 四人桌
  • omelet 蛋饼
  • clown 小丑
  • lemonade 柠檬汁
  • utensil 餐具
  • coconut 椰子
  • sour 酸的
  • anywhere.不管怎样 I joined the meeting anywhere
  • be popular with sb
  • puzzle 拼图 tuna  金枪鱼
  • be allergic to  过敏
  • stay tuned 敬请关注
  • jar 罐头


  • sore 酸痛,常用来形容喉咙
  • elbow  手肘
  • aspirin 阿司匹林
  • bandage  绷带
  • in connect with
  • mop 拖把,拖
  • vacuum 吸尘器
  • rug 毯子 carpet
  • pot 锅
  • freezer 冰柜
  • the old food
  • the copy machine is in the copy room
  • in fashion  很时尚
  • outfit 衣服
  • agenda 议程
  • an outgoing person
  • fashion show 时装秀
  • playground  有游乐场的意思
  • shave 剃 shave the beard/face 刮胡子
  • mayor 市长
  • cushion 坐垫
  • plan on doing 计划做某事。
  • relative 亲戚,可数
  • spouse 伴侣
  • niece 侄女
  • nephew 外甥
  • barber 理发师 get  a  haircut
  • get a haircut 理发
  • be divorced 离婚了
  • annoying 烦人的


  • make a feature plan
  • throw away: throw to the rustbin
  • sleeve 袖子
  • checkout  收银台
  • afterward 之后
  • take a  selfie 自拍
  • it looks great on you


  • sweetshirt 运动衫
  • some money discount 优惠多少 be on sale
  • embassy 大使馆


  • a great social life
  • have sb over 邀请某人来家里
  • sb avoid sb 拒绝接触某人 stay away from sb
  • put sth away 收起来


  • celebrity 名人
  • win first place 第一名
  • chess practice 国际象棋训练
  • religion 政治
  • nightlife, nightclub
  • pay sb back 还钱
  • shrimp 虾 shrimp soup
  • sweet roll 甜面包卷


  • chili 辣椒
  • champagne 香槟
  • sauce 酱


  • lift the glass and drink the Champagne
  • wait a while / stay for a while


  • sb annoy sb
  • be double the size of
  • in a good mood
  • sandals 凉鞋 前面沙子开头


  • reach the goal 达成目标
  • sore back 酸痛的背
  • be stressful 有压力的
  • put sth against the wall


  • in the last of every month
  • sb get paid
  • the branch of the company 分公司。 The company has branches
  • be terrible at doing
  • the right person for
  • have many success in my career
  • write your signature 签名


  • hairstylist 发型师
  • baker 面包师
  • shake hands with sb
  • will succeed, a success
  • read the fact


  • 邮件写作以 Dear + 对方称呼 开头,以 Sincerely + 作者 结尾。
  • I want nine thousand dollars a year after tax. Talking about salary.
  • A photocopy of your ID. 身份证复印件。
  • landmark 地标
  • my pay isn’t enough for what I’m doing
  • sb get paid enough money
  • tell me your thoughts
  • get completed
  • be right about sth 认为…是对的
  • be argued about 争论
  • make up sb mind 做决定
  • realtor 房产经纪人
  • fiction 虚构类
  • the third act 第三幕
  • fan 风扇
  • mattress 床垫
  • lullaby 摇篮曲
  • lately 最近
  • fairly good means pretty good


  • be unemployed 失业,未被雇佣
  • chin 下巴 shaving 刮胡子
  • teenage 十几岁的 teenage son


  • would you mind doing


  • rugby 橄榄球
  • costume 服装 outfit


  • loose 宽松的


  • tear sth in half 一撕二
  • van 面包车
  • set the date for sth


  • rarely 很少
  • typical 典型的
  • anniversary 年度纪念日
  • in a relationship 谈朋友


  • the whole time
  • post it online


  • valley 山谷
  • peak 山顶
  • take this path
  • stick 树枝
  • outdoor activity
  • pile 堆 a pile of sand
  • dusty 满是灰尘的 a lot of dust
  • stylish 时髦的
  • fancy 华丽的


  • TV program 电视节目
  • a gentle rain
  • the beauty of thing


  • a clear stream 清澈的水流


  • watch out for sth
  • in the fog
  • fly toward me
  • dusty 满是灰尘的
  • Mia 人名
  • according to means in the opinion


  • hear  sb scream
  • ride back of the motorcycle
  • have a very big mouth 喜欢传谣言
  • discover the secret
  • break into somewhere


  • straw 吸管
  • baker 面包师


  • reunion 重逢
  • broccoli 西兰花
  • in general


  • business trip 出差
  • take a right means turn right


  • sandals 拖鞋
  • Babies get sick a lot.


  • horn 角
  • internship 实习岗位 get a internship
  • hand out sth 发下去
  • hand in sth 上交
  • register for class
  • essential 必须的


  • plenty of means enough
  • instructor means teacher


  • make  a web 织网


  • get rid of means  throw  away
  • backyard means the yard next to the house
  • bathtab 浴缸
  • grill 烤架. grilled meat
  • sheet 床单
  • yikes 哎呀
  • car break down


  • have problem doing
  • a lot of nature


  • sing me a lullaby 摇篮曲


  • close by means near by


  • lane 车道 the street has two lanes. a bike lane.
  • busy street, rush hour
  • there’s a traffic jam
  • get  stuck in a traffic jam/on the highway
  • speed up , slow  down
  • a stop sign
  • make sure to look  both ways before you across the street at the crosswalk(斑马线)
  • the speed limit here is 60 km per hour.


  • sailing trip
  • no way means I can’t believe that


  • guess what  means  I  have  news
  • go on means continue


  • make up mind 下定决心
  • Chinese food 中餐


  • volume means the level of sound
  • voicemail means a voice message
  • plug in the phone 给手机充电
  • set something up 设置


  • picture frame 相框


  • tiny 小的,紧的
  • democracy 民主 in a democracy


  • former means from before
  • mean to do means try to do
  • be essential for  means be necessary for
  • shocking means surprised and very bad
  • in the election 选举 win the election
  • stand sb 支持某人


  • steakhouse 牛排店
  • think of doing sth
  • buffet 自助餐
  • book a table
  • offer to do  主动提供做
  • dim sum 甜点


  • be/feel  anxious
  • a fear of sth
  • cliff 悬崖
  • earthquake means earth shakes
  • be scared of means be afraid of


  • creep means scary and strange
  • yikes means oh no
  • thank goodness means it’s good thing
  • stress sb out means make sb stressful
  • run a marathon 跑马拉松
  • be used to doing


  • Maybe I will graduate next year. maybe 放句子开头


  • two-day pass 两日票
  • get used to doing , use to do
  • a fan of independent films


  • the  plot of the movie
  • documentary 纪录片
  • popcorn 爆米花
  • can’t stand 不能忍受
  • thriller 惊悚小说/电影


  • film the documentary 拍摄纪录片
  • contest 比赛
  • judge 裁判


  • this writing is not in English
  • stay fit 保持身材


  • athlete 运动员
  • beat sb means win for sb
  • tie the game 打平比赛


  • score a lot of goals


  • hold a fashion show
  • in a moment 马上


  • make a transaction
  • deposit 存款 make a deposit
  • bank teller
  • temporary 临时的
  • increase credit card limit
  • is your information up to date
  • budget 预算 make a budget


  • reception 信号。手机的信号。


  • babyset sb 照看某人,经常是小孩


  • ma’am 对女士的尊称,对应 sir
  • look forward to 期待


  • realtor 房产经纪人
  • steakhouse 牛排馆
  • meme generator。表情包生成器。


  • be tiring
  • professor xxx. xxx 教授
  • have a fish allergy
  • starving 饿极了
  • buy groceries
  • The sauce is so spicy. My mouse is on fire.
  • chili 辣椒 chili sauce
  • causal place 休闲/随意的地方


  • for here or to go 堂食还是带走
  • herb 香草。一种增加风味的调料
  • be out of sth 没有了
  • get your order wrong
  • disgusting 恶心的
  • sour 酸的
  • it’s my treat 我来买单
  • split sth with sb  means share sth with sb


  • leave  a  tip  留小费
  • band aid 创口贴
  • curtain 窗帘


  • olive 橄榄
  • lemonade 柠檬汁


  • album 专辑
  • admission 入场费 the fee of  the admission
  • balcony 阳台
  • enormous means huge


  • receipt  收据
  • school supply 学习用品
  • a robbery
  • innocent 无罪的


  • file a police report 录口供


  • embassy 大使馆


  • budget 预算
  • athlete 运动员
  • locker 储物柜
  • buy one get one free 买一送一


  • routine 日常
  • be about to do means will do something soon
  • get off means leave work
  • championship 锦标赛
  • sociable 善于社交的
  • faint 晕倒


  • learn to do
  • in charge of some project/sth


  • fitting room 更衣室
  • zipper 拉链
  • inexpensive 不贵
  • bargain 促销品 some goods on sale


  • show sb around


  • neighbourhood 这附近
  • armchair 扶手椅
  • stadium 体育馆


  • invention 发明。a great invention
  • nowadays 如今


  • fifties 50 年代 eighties 80 年代


  • cruise 游轮
  • backpacking 背包旅行 go backpacking


  • ferry 船
  • depart 出发
  • layover 转机 fly to Shanghai without a layover
  • hitchhike 搭便车


  • racket 球拍


  • depart 起飞,出发. The airplane departed this morning.
  • appreciate 感激
  • elderly 老的
  • walk the puppy
  • be sweet of sb to do


  • plan on doing
  • how may I help you


  • personality  个性
  • easygoing  随和的 an easygoing person
  • kettle  热水壶. If you want to drink some tea, put on the kettle.
  • occasion 场合. Celebrate the occasion.


  • normally 通常. Normally, he gets up early in the morning.
  • stop by 停留. He stopped by here to say hello.
  • tire 轮胎
  • PDA: Public Display of Affection. 在公开场合表达爱意。


  • set the table
  • jog 慢跑
  • scuba diving 潜水
  • league 联盟


  • that sort of thing means something like that
  • leisure activity 休闲运动


  • gold chain 金链子
  • on the test


  • get rid of stress
  • speaking of sth
  • hang on a minute


  • hardly know  each other  means  not familiar
  • nice doing
  • cereal 麦片
  • pasta 意大利面


  • typically means in general
  • in common means  the same


  • mainland China 中国大陆


  • receipt 收据
  • racket 球拍


  • custom 海关
  • make a complaints
  • quit complaining
  • cabin 小木屋
  • have three days stay, after a  short stay
  • contest 比赛
  • brochure 手册


  • karaoke 卡拉 OK
  • toronto 多伦多
  • cabin 小木屋
  • picture frame 相框


  • plan on doing
  • brochure 手册
  • intend  to do 打算


  • political party 政党
  • disaster 灾难
  • the majority of 大部分
  • poverty 贫穷 a lot of poverty
  • rescue sb
  • charity 慈善机构


  • mayor 市长
  • mainly 主要的


  • photocopy 复印的的名词 make a photocopy
  • painful
  • driver’s license 驾照


  • episode 集
  • so far 到目前为止
  • the story is based on real people
  • soap opera 肥皂剧
  • comedian 喜剧演员
  • game show
  • remote controller 遥控板
  • kitten 小猫
  • cheerful means happy
  • detective 侦探


  • spoil the ending 剧透
  • jogging 慢跑
  • high heels 高跟鞋


  • lead actor 主演


  • by the time means  before
  • walk over to


  • we’ve got to get together soon. we really must …
  • plain food means simple food
  • give regards to sb means say hello to sb


  • put on makeup
  • pink is in fashion


  • mother-in-law 丈母娘,婆婆
  • stepfather 继父
  • immediate family means the direct family member
  • split up 离婚
  • middle-aged 中年


  • driver’s license


  • promote 晋升,促销。 sb get promoted. sb promote sb
  • be jealous of sb 嫉妒
  • admit 承认
  • due to  means  because of
  • get a loan 贷款
  • it depends means maybe