One day, I decided to become an optimist and life became much more fun. Only optimists can create a great future.
The life of a pessimist is easy but dreary. The life of an optimist is hard but exciting. Pessimism is easy because it costs nothing. Optimism is hard because it must be constantly reaffirmed. In the face of a hostile, cynical world, it takes effort to show that positivity has merit. 悲观主义者的生活是轻松的,但却是沉闷的。乐观主义者的生活是艰难的,但也是令人兴奋的。悲观很容易,因为它不需要任何成本。乐观是困难的,因为它必须不断得到重申。面对充满敌意、愤世嫉俗的世界,需要努力证明积极性的价值。
世界本身是是熵增的,做一个悲观主义者,是自我安慰:不是我的错,是外界不够好。外界不够好,所以努力也没用。悲观主义者 => 躺平。
To be an optimist, adopt these assumptions: 要成为乐观主义者,请采用以下假设:
- The future can be great(未来可以很美好)
- People’s intentions are mostly good(人们的意图大多是好的)
- Ideas are fragile and need nurturing(想法是脆弱的,需要培育)
Only optimists can create a great future. Only optimists can imagine it. Only optimists will put in the effort to make it. If you want to create a great future, believe it can happen. Choose optimism. 只有乐观的人才能创造美好的未来。只有乐观主义者才能想象得到。只有乐观者才会付出努力来实现这一目标。如果你想创造美好的未来,请相信它可以实现。选择乐观。